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Global Variables
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Global Variables

Variables Usage
ccms_path Path given by user.
ccms_file File converted from given path.
ccms_title Title to be displayed on web browser. Decoders can change it if default title is not siutable.
ccms_template Template to be used for displaying page. Decoders and Modules can set it to false to make file to be output in raw format.
ccms_decoders Configure array of decoders. Change this when you have added new decoders.
ccms_mime Configure MIME type for other files. Change this when you have new file types for downlaod.
ccms_left_modules Modules activated on left hand side.
ccms_right_modules Modules activated on right hand side.
ccms_top_modules Modules activated on top.
ccms_bottom_modules Modules activated on bottom.
ccms_site_name Configure name of main page.
ccms_image_url Configure URL of /image folder. Useful for banner picture.
ccms_controller_url Configure URL of /index.php. Useful for generating absolute hyperlinks.
ccms_data_path Configure internal file path of data.
ccms_decoder_path Configure internal file path of decoders.
ccms_template_path Configure internal file path for templates.
ccms_module_path Configure internal file path for modules.
ccms_library_path Configure internal file path for libraries.
ccms_error_decoder Configure decoder to be used when error occurs.
ccms_not_found_file Configure file to decode when file does not exist for given path.
ccms_not_permitted_file Configure file to decode when selected file is denied from access.

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