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In rendering of pages, various modules are triggered. The modules are located around the rendered page. Although they looked not important, they are very useful for navigation. Examples include Navigation (the menu on the left).

It is possible to switch on and off modules in the configuration file (e.g. settings.php). Also, some decoders may change the configuration in run-time, such as Gallery shutting down Image module (they duplicate functionality.).

Modules usually do not require configuration. Therefore the discussion is not as long as that of decoders. List of them is available as follows:

Module Function Default Location
Navigation Provide navigation menu around tree of documents. Left (1)
Title Provide title of page and trace to return to root. Top (1)
Random Image Randomly pick a image from document tree. Left (2)
Download Display links to download-able files (with MIME configured in settings). Right (1)
Images Display some images from the current directory, if any. Right (2)
W3 Validator Provide link to validate current page for HTML correctness. Right (3)

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