Random Image

Gallery in Action

Charray's CMS

Configurable Menu Order
Configurable Menu Order

Document in Plain Text
Document in Plain Text

Gallery in Action
Gallery in Action

W3 Validator

Valid XHTML 1.0 StrictValid CSS!

Welcome to Charray's CMS

Welcome to Charray's CMS, or CCMS. It is my content management system (CMS). To be exact, this is just a set of PHP scripts displaying formatted content from plain files. You are given absolute freedom to choose what file manager and editor to use.

CCMS aims to be clear. It uses plain files and provide meaningful paths to users. Meanwhile, it maximizes funcionalities without using database. Some of them, such as rearrangement of menu items, are absent in most of the file-based CMS systems.

CCMS is fairly extensible and flexible. While it is not written in object-oriented manner, majority of it is split into decoders and modules. Each of the decoders is responsible displaying content of a file type. The modules are pasted around the document for auxilary functions.

Under normal usage, CCMS outputs code that follows XHTML and CSS standard. It is also identified as WRI-compliant.

System Requirement

  • PHP5 (PHP4 not tested)
  • GD2 Extension
  • FreeType support in PHP5 (for Captcha)
  • Register-global Off
  • File system with / as Seperator



  • charray [-at-] gmail.com / kchan [-at-] cs.hku.hk

Powered by Charray's CMS.